From the Paul Akers campaign:
Team Akers today announced a St. Patrick's Day "Pledge Bomb". Paul Akers said
"One of my staff members said they had an Idea - get people to pledge $17 per month until we're done - one dollar for each year Senator Murray has been in office - on March 17th. I didn't even need to think about it. It's what I've been saying all along - you have to listen to people, or else you're missing out on great ideas. Senator Murray is so out of touch with Washington, she thinks it's all blue skies back home.
Where most candidates ask for donations on a specific day - a "money bomb", Team Akers throws in a twist - by asking for the donation monthly. Paul said,
"We plan on being around a while - and we want everyone to know it. We want people to feel like this is their campaign as well. From what I understand, someone who donates once, will give an opinion or feedback, but someone who donates monthly is going to demand accountability and want to be a part of the process. THAT is what this pledge bomb is all about."
When I talk to politically plugged-in folks back home, there are still a lot of question marks surrounding Akers' candidacy. Irrespective, it's pretty clear that he is knuckling down and getting on with the tasks that campaigns must complete successfully in order to compete. I'll be interested to see what this St. Patrick's Day Pledge Bomb delivers for him. [intro]
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