I'm a big animal lover-- everyone who knows me knows this about me. I cry at those ASPCA ads featuring Sarah McLachlan that air on Saturdays between episodes of What Not To Wear. I donate to a variety of animal charities. I recently freaked out fellow audience members at a screening of Disney's Nature by wailing a bit too loud when the polar bear died. I thought Michael Vick got off way too light. You get the point.
But I've got to say, some news that is admittedly coming to me quite belatedly from my hometown (Seattle) evidences that one animal rights organization in particular really can go a bit overboard and, in my view, risk undercutting what are very often serious messages about treating animals well and stopping animal cruelty.
PETA, in this particular instance, is who I am thinking of. Yes, they who are the focus of this story from the paper I used to write for, the Seattle P-I: "Topless activists protest veterinarians' fish toss." ...
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