OK, so David Brooks has been writing stuff about how President Obama is moving the country to the left, drawing as a case in point the budget, which today he calls "a liberal, big government document that should make moderates nervous."
As someone who is occasionally described as a moderate (and who certainly is more a moderate than a conservative), and doesn't totally disclaim the label (though I'm more a libertarian, really), I have to agree with this.
But it appears Greg Sargent does not. In discussing apparent thoughts expressed by the White House to Brooks about his column from Tuesday, which Greg initially construed as a tad defensive, Greg posits that:
maybe what we’re seeing here is more of the Obama team’s efforts to redefine the moderate center.
Yes, the Obama team is attempting an expansion of government activism not seen since Lyndon Johnson. But they’re redefining this type of government action as not radical at all, as the sensible and even moderate course, given the circumstances. And they’re saying this because that’s really how they see it.
I'm not going to argue that the redefining is what is being attempted, or that the administration really thinks that an outsized budget, following on the heels of a big stimulus package that many would also call outsized, is "moderate" (they probably do see it that way, even though I think they're bonkers, if indeed they do). ...
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