July 30, 2007

This concisely explains why Hillary Clinton scares me

"A Hillary Clinton presidency promises to unite Madeleine Albright's zeal for using bombs in pursuit of liberal ideals with Dick Cheney's vision of the president as emperor. Won't that be fun?"

Er, maybe not. But, Steve Chapman, who penned this line, has managed to put his finger precisely on why Hillary Clinton scares me. She is a perfect combination of Madeleine Albright (who I have always reviled and distrusted) and the bad aspects of Dick Cheney (and yes, he does have good aspects-- we just don't talk about them much).

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July 30, 2007

The only thing that could be said of any positive substance about Romney's stupid "Oceans of Flip-Flopping" ad

I can't even begin to think of anything clever to say about this, so I'll just reproduce the great bits of a post at Democracy for New Hampshire:

I would not have imagined that my thoughts would have turned to the Velvet Underground while watching an ad for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. But there I was, staring blankly at the TV while Romney's newest ad ran, musing about how, 40 years ago, the Velvet Underground knocked off an experiment in sound echoed decades later by the Romney campaign, albeit unconsciously.

What, dear reader, am I talking about? Mitt Romney's new ad 'Ocean' and the Velvet Underground's classic track 'the Gift' from their still awe-inspiring 1968 album White Light/White Heat.

On this song, the VU cranks out a feedback-drenched instrumental while bassist/violist/keyboardist John Cale's Welsh accent balefully intones a short story about love, loss, innocence, betrayal, and – ultimately - mortality.

But in one of those mixing gimmicks beloved by adventurous '60s rock bands, the Velvet Underground put the abrasive jams on your stereo's left channel while Cale's voice reverberates all by its lonesome on the right. By sliding your balance control, you can decide to either listen to red-lining amps or the forlorn Welshman, or both.

One suspects that Marvelous Mitt spent 1967 more focused on his dad's dubious presidential campaign than on the smack-influenced avant garde noise of the VU. However, his TV folks seem to have walked closer to the wild side - Because his new ad entitled 'Ocean' (not to be confused with the Velvet Underground song of the same name) uses a tactic very similar to the Velvet Underground's.

To those quick on the trigger with their TV remote's mute button, Mitt's new ad seems an ode to the natural desire of parents and grandparents to hand down nature's bounty to their children. Children froli...

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July 30, 2007

Miscellaneous Rudy developments...

I'm pleased to see that one of my favorite Members of Congress, Rep. Judy Biggert, who is pretty much one of about five leading lights in the entire US Congress where the environment and energy policy are concerned, has gone ahead and endorsed Rudy Giuliani. For those who don't recall Biggert's record on the environment fully, she's the one who introduced a bill in the last Congress that would basically dramatically increase incentives for production and use of new energy-efficient, and alternative-energy based, technologies, like hydrogen cars, hybrid plug-ins, and so on.

In my view, her signing onto Rudy's campaign is therefore positive, in that it sends a message that one of the most forward-thinking political leaders, who wants to use carrots, as opposed to sticks, to improve our environment, further develop an important sector of our economy, and help move us towards energy independence-- for all the usual conservation and security-based reasons-- thinks this is the guy. Note that Rep. Jerry Weller, also of Illinois, has signed onto Rudy's campaign-- and between him and Rep. Biggert, they're sending a strong message that Rudy is the Republican who can win in a normally blue state.

Also of note: Rudy has released details of his health care policy team-- and it includes Mark McClellan, the former head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (and the FDA commissioner serving when the possibility of Plan B OTC sales was nixed), and Sally Pipes, who like me, is a disparager of RomneyCare.

McClellan jumping on board will probably result in a little bit of backlash in the liberal blogosphere (more of the "Rudy's just as big a right-winger as Sam Brownback" type chat)-- it will presumably be predicated on the notion that if you bring on ...

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