Jim McDermott, my hometown congressman, is known for being many things: A psychiatrist, a featured interviewee in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, an alleged unwitting spokesperson for Saddam Hussein, and indeed, a civil liberties-minded liberal (like a lot of folks from Seattle).
The latter McDermott characteristic in fact seems to be part of what inspired him to get involved with Fahrenheit 9/11, and proclaim back in 2004 that by getting the film produced and distributed, "We really saved the Constitution and the Bill of Rights." (Side note: Sadly, he didn't).
And while I'm not a fan of Michael Moore, as someone who has taken issue with the PATRIOT Act, Bush (and now Obama) administration policy related to surveillance and so on, even though McDermott is well to the left of me and I disagree with him on a wide array of matters (including whether Michael Moore is really cool or not), his interest in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was something I could at least kind of respect.
But now Jim McDermott doesn't sound all that interested in the Constitution... or in things like getting H.R.1 passed, one of the "silly things" that the House has managed to do in the last 13 weeks.
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