If you read Politico's Morning Score (and I do), you will have noticed this morning that there is * big news * in the RNC Chairman's race.
Saul Anuzis got the endorsement of the founder of the Tea Party Nation.
Ann Wagner has garnered the endorsement of Phyllis Schlafly.
Reince Priebus seems to be being talked up and defended big-time by Henry Barbour.
Let's be clear about this: While these are fun stories to write about, two of these bits of news will have little to no positive impact on the contender-in-question's chances of winning the job of RNC Chairman. One of them, and potentially two, could actually have a negative impact on the contender-in-question's chances of coming out on top.
Let's start with Anuzis' news. First off, it bears mentioning that Judson Phillips (the Tea Party Nation founder in question) is not a member of the RNC, so while his views will no doubt be of interest to people who like the Tea Party Nation and what they stand for, he doesn't actually get a vote. Moreover, I seriously doubt that any of the 168 people who do get a vote will say "ah, I'm going to vote for Saul because Judson Phillips said so." Those are primary reasons why I doubt this endorsement will do little to nothing for Anuzis, other than get the media to write about his campaign (an apparently successful gambit, since I'm writing about said endorsement right now)....
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