So, last week, we had some fun and games when a Tea Party candidate in Texas basically revealed herself to be somewhat 9/11 truther-ish (a possible understatement) totally blowing her credibility as a sane, non-tinfoil hat wearing individual, so far as I am concerned.
There has also been a spate of birther and truther bannings that top conservative blog RedState has been forced to carry out.
Last year and this year, a couple of self-described conservatives (nope, I'm not naming them) got tagged as being either full-on birther-ish or birther-lite because of some ill-advised statements that I seriously hope none of them believed.
Now, in Washington, we have a lady at what (Huffington Post says, at least) was a Tea Party gathering saying that they should all do to Patty Murray what people did to Jake in Lonesome Dove (which I guess she paid a lot more attention to than I did, for one thing). So, uh, yeah, what did they do to Jake? Oh, they hung him...
"How many of you have watched the movie Lonesome Dove?," asked an unidentified female speaker from the podium. "What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd. He got hung. And that's what I want to do with Patty Murray."
Sam Stein, who writes the incident up, says that "That a sanctioned speaker called for a hanging of an elected official, however, seriously pushes the boundaries of First Amendment freedom." I'm enough of a big libertarian that I'm not thoroughly convinced that some crazy lady's idiotic comment involving the word "hang" quite rises to the level of "pushing the boundaries of First Amendment freedom." But it certainly goes way beyond the boundaries of a) class b) intelligent political discourse and c) hard-hitting, but fair, attacks and commentary regarding an opponent. ...
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